Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Downloadable Concert: a new marketing trend.

The days of conventional marketing are history. With all the new digital trends, companies are delivering messages to their customers through a whole new experience. A much more fun experience.
In events like the Super Bowl, many users just sit in front of the TV to watch the well-expected commercials. However, the customers are turning around to the Internet as their major source of entertainment. Digital marketing is the new powerful tool to reach a specific market niche. Companies and brands all over the world are aware of this situation and they are taking action.
This is the case of Coca-Cola. Last year, they made a creative digital marketing campaign to promote their new online radio station called Coke FM. They chose a famous Colombian rock band called “Don Tetto” to play a concert. It sounds like a regular marketing campaign so far, right? However, there is a small difference. The stage was suspended 50 meters above the ground. To get the band down to the ground level, younger audience had to download the band’s songs through the Coke FM mobile site.  In just one hour, the website registered 50,000 downloads, 800% more interaction, and 337 % more visitors. After all these statistics, there are some signs that the campaign worked.

Now more download concerts are being planned for other cities in Latin America such as Quito, São Paulo, and Mexico City.  The Coca-Cola campaign was a complete success. The band reached up to 50,000 fans with their music, the concertgoers visited the Coke FM mobile site and Coca Cola generated a big buzz with the 50 meters suspended stage.
This is just one of the examples on how Coca-Cola is taking care of the new marketing trends and using them for their benefit.  Guido Rosales, CocaCola’s advertising director for the Latin American division says, "We want to own the content. And we want to democratize the content on digital mediums, whether tablet, laptop or smartphone." Coca-Cola is always on the right track. 

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